Does your research involve extensive geospacial imaging? If so, you might be interested in learning how to automatically retrieve GPS (and other) metadata from your photos using the handy R package exifr. This is a brief example on how to generate a metadata table from your iphone photos.
Set your working directory to wherever your photos of interest are.
#setwd("~/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/Masters/2021/05") #Uncomment and change to your directory
Next, install and then load the required packages.
install.packages("dplyr") #comment out if you have the package
install.packages("exifr") #comment out if you have the package
install.packages("leaflet") #comment out if you have the package
Create a list of your .jpg files. Determine what metadata you want and customize it after the read_exif command. Different metadata options depend on what metadata your camera captures; however, the packages options can be found here.
files <- list.files(pattern = "*.JPG", recursive = TRUE) #I've set mine to recursive as I have many subdirectories. * = wildcard.
dat <- read_exif(files, tags = c("filename", "DateTimeOriginal", "GPSLongitude","GPSLatitude","GPSTimeStamp")) #Customize the metadata of interest in the parentheses
With your metadata labeled and loaded into a dataframe, you can now export it as a .csv or use the metadata with a package like leaflet (and openstreetmaps).
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